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Your Pay and Pension

Find out about different pay and retention options, X factor and your non-contributory pension scheme here. Answer questions if you want to see what you may be entitled to

Your Pay

Pay is based on a number of factors, primarily your rank and specialisation. The information in this section will help you learn more about the money to which you will be entitled for serving in the Armed Forces

  • No eligibility information available

    Annual Salary

    All Regular Service people receive an Annual Salary, also known as Military Salary or Basic Pay. Reserve Service personnel are paid an annual salary if they are Mobilised or on Full Time Reserve Service and are paid a daily rate according to the days or part days they work.

    • pay
  • No eligibility information available


    X-Factor is included within your Annual Salary to remunerate for the relative disadvantages of Service life you experience compared to those in civilian employment.

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      Financial Incentives

      Financial Incentives (FIs) are intended to assist recruitment and retention in key employment areas; they should not be confused with Recruitment and Retention Payments (RRP).

      • pay
    • No eligibility information available

      Recruitment and Retention Payments

      Recruitment and Retention Payments are daily payments, in addition to Annual Salary, to encourage personnel within specific trades that have recruitment or retention difficulties to join and remain in Service.

      • pay
    • No eligibility information available

      Recruitment and Retention Allowance for London

      If you live and work in certain locations in London, you could receive this allowance to compensate for the higher cost of living

      • travel
      • relocation

    Your Pension

    Armed Forces veterans receive one of the most generous pension schemes in the UK. Service Personnel do not contribute to their pension out of their salary unlike civil servants and most in the private sector. Look for the pension scheme you belong to learn about how your pension is calculated and how it will increase over time

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        Your Service Pension

        All members of the Armed Forces are automatically enrolled into the Armed Forces Pension Scheme. This is one of the most generous pension schemes in the UK

        • pension
      • No eligibility information available

        Pension Calculator

        Find out how much you could receive when you retire. The Pension Calculator is a free online tool that you can use to get both a pension projection and an Early Departure Payment figure, based on your personal details

        • pension

      Pension Schemes

      • No eligibility information available

        Armed Forces Pension Scheme 15

        Here’s everything you need to know about the Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2015

        • pension
      • No eligibility information available

        Armed Forces Pension Scheme 05

        Here’s everything you need to know about the Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005

        • pension
      • No eligibility information available

        Armed Forces Pension Scheme 75

        If you joined the Armed Forces between 1975 and 2005, you will have been automatically enrolled into this pension scheme

        • pension
      • No eligibility information available

        Previous Reserves Pension Schemes

        If you joined the Reserve Forces before 1 April 2015 as: Non Regular Permanent Staff, Full Time Reserve Service or Additional Duties Commitment you will have been automatically enrolled into one of these pension schemes.

        • pension
      • No eligibility information available

        Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

        Receive compensation for any injury, illness or death which is caused by service.

        • No eligibility information available

          War Pension scheme

          Receive compensation for any injury, illness or death which is caused by service before 6 April 2005