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Recruitment and Retention Payments

Recruitment and Retention Payments are daily payments, in addition to Annual Salary, to encourage personnel within specific trades that have recruitment or retention difficulties to join and remain in Service. They are paid at Departmental discretion, with the endorsement of the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body

  • pay

Am I eligible?

Both Regulars and Reservists are eligible for Recruitment and Retention Payments (RRP). The trades which currently receive RRP can be found in the Armed Forces Pay Review Body report 2023 and the Senior Salaries Review Board Report, as well as the Directed Letter on sharepoint

This benefit is available to both regular and reserve service personnel

Recruitment and Retention Payments

Recruitment and Retention Payments are daily payments, in addition to Annual Salary, to encourage personnel within specific trades that have recruitment or retention difficulties to join and remain in Service. They are paid at Departmental discretion, with the endorsement of the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body

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Do you receive a Recruitment and Retention Payment?

What are they for?

RRP are daily payments which are made to Service personnel within trades identified as having recruitment and/or retention issues due to long-term problems with at least one of the following underlying factors:

  • environment – for living or working in an extra-challenging environment that base salary does not cover;

  • competence – for additional training or responsibility outside the tasks of the trade;

  • market – to assist with trades being targeted with better financial and/or work-life balance offers outside of Defence;

  • structural – for historical decisions affecting the structure of a trade/branch that has had a negative effect on the trade.

How much do I get ?

The rates of RRP vary as each one is considered on a case by case basis. The amounts can increase or decrease. RRP can also be removed if no longer necessary. RRP is subject to Tax and National Insurance but is not pensionable.

RRP are endorsed by the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body

How do I claim this?

This will be processed automatically by your Unit HR/Personnel Office.

What are they for?

RRP are daily payments which are made to Service personnel within trades identified as having recruitment and/or retention issues due to long-term problems with at least one of the following underlying factors:

  • environment – for living or working in an extra-challenging environment that base salary does not cover;

  • competence – for additional training or responsibility outside the tasks of the trade;

  • market – to assist with trades being targeted with better financial and/or work-life balance offers outside of Defence;

  • structural – for historical decisions affecting the structure of a trade/branch that has had a negative effect on the trade.

How much do I get ?

The rates of RRP vary as each one is considered on a case by case basis. The amounts can increase or decrease. RRP can also be removed if no longer necessary. RRP is subject to Tax and National Insurance but is not pensionable.

RRP are endorsed by the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body

How do I claim this?

This will be processed automatically by your Unit HR/Personnel Office.

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Need more information?

  • Defence Gateway

    JSP 754 Recruitment and Retention payments (Def Gateway)

    read JSP 754 chapter 5 to find out more about recruitment and retention payments

  • Defnet access only

    JSP 754 Recruitment and Retention payments

    read JSP 754 chapter 5 to find out more about recruitment and retention payments

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    This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.