Complete Form 258-Request for Tenancy Deposit Allowance to apply. You will need to specify the value of the advance you require, and the number of months you want to repay back the advance.
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.
You can request an advance of your salary to assist you with financing a tenancy deposit.
Staff who have completed at least two month’s service. This scheme is not available to those on leave without pay and overseas staff including LEC’s, Agency staff and Interns.
Meeting the cost of a deposit can be a barrier when you want to move home. This initiative has been developed by the Department of Communities and Local Government to assist you in meeting this cost through an interest-free and tax-free loan.
It is limited to only cover the cost of your tenancy deposit, and must be repaid over no more than 12 months.
Complete Form 258-Request for Tenancy Deposit Allowance to apply. You will need to specify the value of the advance you require, and the number of months you want to repay back the advance.
Submit the completed form to DBS by the tenth day of the month in which the loan is required at the latest via MyHR - you can find out how to do this using the Supplementary Guide - Advances and Loans (DefNet access only). Or you can post it to:
Defence Business Services
Scanning Hub
Tomlinson House
Page last updated: 11 October 2022
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