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Holiday Advance Loan

Request a holiday advance to help with holiday or Christmas expenses.

Who is it for?

All MOD full time and part time staff except the following:

Irregularly Paid Employees, Casual Employees, Employees on nil or half pay and staff leaving MOD in their penultimate month of termination.

What do I get?

If you are eligible for the holiday advance, you can request up to two advances per year to help you meet the upfront costs of your holiday. The advance will be paid with your normal salary in the month you request it, and will then be recovered in full from your following month's salary, allowing you to pay your upfront costs over two months rather than in one go.

If you are a full-time member of staff, you can claim an advance of £500. If you are a part-time member of staff, the maximum amount you can claim is £250.

Next Steps

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    Ensure you are familiar with the Advances of Salary section of the Civilian-Pay-Details-and-Enquiries-Policy

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    Apply for the advance using employee self-service on My HR

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    The pay system will automatically calculate your advance based on your entitlement and will pay it with your salary at the end of the month. The full amount will then be recovered from your salary the following month.

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