If you deliver against an objective to a high standard and demonstrate excellent behaviours, your Line Manager will nominate you for an award via the online e-form on HRMS and submit to countersigning officer for nomination.
In-Year Reward Scheme
You and your team can be rewarded up to £5000 per year in real time by your line manager.
Who is it for?
MOD civilian staff, including casual staff in the broader banded grades and skill zones that are covered by the MOD main pay agreement. Staff in SCS, Retained and TUPE grades are excluded from individual In-Year-Rewards.
What do I get?
In a financial year you can, regardless of grade, receive a maximum of £5,000 via the In-Year Reward Scheme. This is a timely recognition and rewarding of high performance against both the WHAT and HOW elements of one or more of your objectives and ensures that you as an employee can see a clear link between what you have delivered and the reward you have received.
Both individual In-Year Rewards and any received as part of a team contribute to your total amount.
The minimum value of a single In-Year Reward is £250. The maximum is £5000. You can receive up to 5 In-Year rewards (not exceeding a total of £5,000) during a financial year.
Next Steps
If the countersigning officer decides to sponsor the nomination this form will then pass on to the approving authority for final consideration.
The approving authority has the final decision on whether the nomination is accepted or rejected.
Your line manager will inform you if the nomination has been accepted. In-Year Rewards are paid alongside your monthly salary payment and will show on your pay statement.
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