Compassionate Leave
If there’s a crisis at home, you can get time off without using your Annual Leave – this includes one working week of fully paid Carer’s Leave, available in each leave year for situations where normal caring arrangements fail, or the need arises to undertake further caring duties that impact on usual working hours.
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
You can use Compassionate Leave to attend to an immediate domestic crisis, such as the bereavement of a close family member, without having to take annual leave.
What do I get?
Your Commanding Officer can authorise up to four weeks of Compassionate Leave, although two weeks is normally sufficient. Only in exceptional circumstances and following a re-evaluation of the situation should Compassionate Leave exceed four weeks.
You are expected to resolve your personal affairs within a reasonable timeframe. Ongoing issues should be addressed by seeking alternative courses of action through your Chain of Command.
Carers Leave and support for carers
You’re entitled to one working week of fully paid Carer’s Leave in each leave year for situations where normal caring arrangements fail, or the need arises to undertake further caring duties that impact on usual working hours.
How do I claim?
Speak to your Line Manger or Unit HR/Personnel Office. For Carer’s leave, following Line Manager approval, it should be entered on JPA by Unit HR / HR Region as an ‘Authorised Absence.’ You will then be able to apply for Carer’s Leave as ‘Authorised Absence’. Recording of Carer’s Leave can also be done by Unit HR/HRC, on behalf of the Service person.
Page last updated: 30 January 2025
Need more information?
defnet access only
Read chapter 22 of JSP 760, Chapter 22, for more information about Compassionate Leave.
read chapter 22 of JSP 760 for more information about compassionate leave