What’s it for?
Lodging Allowance is designed for Service people who have to rent private accommodation because SLA or SSSA is unavailable.
The allowance can be used to help cover the cost of rent, utilities, food, travel and other expenses associated with living in private rented accommodation.
What do I get?
The rates were updated on 1 Aug 24 and can be found here. This is paid to you each month via your salary. If you receive Lodging Allowance, you don’t have to pay Service food or single accommodation charges.
Non-refundable agent’s fees for finding accommodation, and fees for tenancy and/or inventories can be claimed back, whilst if you have to pay the rent for the lodging monthly in advance and/or put down a security deposit, you can get an advance to cover these costs.
When can't I use this?
You won't be able to claim this benefit if you are living in Service accommodation or claim or receive any of the following benefits:
Your entitlement to LA may also cease if you choose to work remotely from home.
How do I claim this?
As soon as you know that publicly funded accommodation cannot be provided, you should apply for Lodging Allowance to your Commanding Officer or the officer to whom authority has been delegated, on the form at Annex A to Chapter 5 Section 3 of JSP 752.
Claims for agent’s fees and security deposits are to be made on JPA via JPA iexpenses. More information can be found in the allowances and expenses user guide, which can be found at JPA user guides. If you don’t have access to JPA, then you need complete JPA Form F016 (which can be found at JPA forms) and submit it to your unit HR, admin office.
Advance of salary
If you need an advance of salary to pay your rent a month in advance, then you should speak to your Unit HR admin office.