Adventurous Training
Enjoy a range of exhilarating outdoor activities that will improve your physical and mental robustness
Eligibility check:
Am I eligible?
All Regulars and Reservists have access to paid Adventurous Training opportunities.
What’s it for?
Adventurous Training (AT) contributes to operational capability and encourages leadership at all levels. Alongside physical training and sport, it helps to develop fortitude, rigour and initiative, while offering respite from work and other pressures.
AT takes people beyond their comfort zone to develop their courage and decision-making. This brings a sense of achievement and camaraderie from tackling challenges together and supporting one another, along with a feeling of self-determination that builds confidence and enables better decisions at work and in wider life.
What do I get?
There are 2 AT schemes available to RAF personnel: the Joint Services Adventurous Training Scheme (JSAT) and the RAF Adventurous Personal Development Training Scheme (APDT).
JSAT consists of 9 AT activities: Canoeing/Kayaking, Caving, Gliding, Mountaineering, Mountain Biking, Offshore Sailing, Parachuting/Paragliding, Skiing and Sub Aqua Diving. Besides personal development, JSAT offers the opportunity for personnel to train as AT instructors.
APDT allows those same 9 AT activities to be conducted on an RAF-led basis via either the centrally organised EAGLES scheme of UK and overseas interventions delivered by the Robson Resilience Centres or by Station led interventions under the Commanding Officer. Under APDT, teams may plan their own expeditions, in accordance with APDT aims or elect to participate as groups or individuals in the centralised EAGLES scheme
How do I get involved?
Speak to your Sports Officer/PT staff.
For the EAGLES scheme you can apply online by going to the eagles sharepoint site and then clicking on the particular scheme you're interested in or speak to your Station Force Development Officer or Physical Training Instructor.
Page last updated: 22 January 2024
Need more information?
defnet access only
AP 3342 Adventurous Training
read Section 5 Part 1 of AP3342 for more information on Adventurous Training in the RAF
defnet access only
JSP 419 Adventurous Training (defnet)
Read JSP 419 on Adventurous Training in the UK Armed Forces
Defence Gateway
JSP 419 Adventurous Training (def gateway)
read JSP 419 to find out more about Adventurous Training
defnet access only
Eagles Scheme
visit the Eagles scheme website