
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.

Life Skills

Life Skills are the skills we all need to overcome the challenges of everyday life. They enable us to build personal and family resilience, and help us to become more independent and able to overcome emerging challenges before they spiral out of control.

Life Skills Guidance

Support services for military and defence personnel and their families - GOV.UK

Life skills | The British Army

Transition to civilian life | The British Army

Citizens Advice

Additional Information

Royal Navy Forum (

Armed Forces Covenant

Third Sector Guidance

Cobseo - The Confederation of Service Charities

Don't forget: There is an abundance of additional information, for example MOD policy and guidance. Please ask your Service person to look for the following information internally via Defence Connect and defnet.

  • ACSO 321 Life Skills Monitor and Assess.

  • Regional Command Life Skills SharePoint provides access to Life Skills policy, resources and calendar of events, including Life Skills briefs for Service personnel and families.

  • Defence Connect Life Skills Live Well Group provides a easy access to information and support.

Related Benefits

For more support and guidance: please visit the single Service, HIVES and Families Federation websites linked below.

Page last updated: 24 February 2025

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This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.