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A range of allowances for civilian staff

Who is it for?

Civilian Staff, dependent on eligibility, Terms & Conditions, and work undertaken.

What do I get?

MOD offers a number of allowances to civilian staff, including (but not limited to):

  • Locational allowances (e.g. London Weighting)

  • Responsibility allowances (for taking on additional responsibility or supervisory duties)

  • Added hours allowances (e.g. On Call Allowance)

If you are eligible to receive an allowance, it will be paid with your salary.

Next Steps

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    Details of all allowances available for MOD employees can be found in the Pay allowance reference table (MODNet only).

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    For more information, and for details of how to claim specific allowances, please see the Civilian-Pay-Details-and-Enquiries-Policy (MODNet only).

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