Details of all allowances available for MOD employees can be found in the Pay allowance reference table (MODNet only).
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A range of allowances for civilian staff
Civilian Staff, dependent on eligibility, Terms & Conditions, and work undertaken.
MOD offers a number of allowances to civilian staff, including (but not limited to):
Locational allowances (e.g. London Weighting)
Responsibility allowances (for taking on additional responsibility or supervisory duties)
Added hours allowances (e.g. On Call Allowance)
If you are eligible to receive an allowance, it will be paid with your salary.
Details of all allowances available for MOD employees can be found in the Pay allowance reference table (MODNet only).
For more information, and for details of how to claim specific allowances, please see the Civilian-Pay-Details-and-Enquiries-Policy (MODNet only).
Page last updated: 28 September 2022
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