
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.

The Defence Ideas Scheme

The Defence Ideas Scheme is the Defence-wide suggestion scheme that encourages people working within the department to submit innovative ideas for doing things better.

Who is it for?

The scheme is open to all MOD staff. 

What do I get?

The Defence Ideas Scheme encourages all MOD employees to contribute constructive ideas for improving efficiency and organisation anywhere in the department.

If your idea is implemented, you may receive an award. The level of award will be calculated from the amount of savings confirmed by the evaluator for the first three years of use of your idea. If savings cannot be quantified or are not applicable, the award will be calculated based on the scale of benefit to the department. 

The level of award will also take into account the closeness of the idea to your normal duties and the degree of innovation employed. For ideas that are deemed originating from normal duties, alternative award or recognition will be pursued.

Awards for ideas that are part of a team submission will be divided between team members according to the relative contribution agreed by each team member.

Next Steps

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    You can submit a suggestion via the Defence Ideas Scheme Online System.

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    From the Online System, you can track the progress of your suggestion and view comments and assessments made by your TLB group and evaluators.

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    The suggestion will be assessed by your TLB group and evaluators. All staff should note that submissions will not be excluded simply because they fall wholly or partly within normal duties, and that some evaluations may take considerably longer than others to complete particularly if they relate to equipment or issues that require tests and trials to be completed.

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