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Boost your Pension

Make additional payments to your pensionable contributions to boost your earnings once you retire.

Who is it for?

Members of the following pension schemes:

  • Civil Service Pension Scheme (all schemes except the Partnership Scheme)

  • Teachers' Pension Scheme

  • Scottish Teachers' Pension Scheme

  • NHS Pension Scheme

What do I get?

Each of the Main Occupational Pension Schemes used in the MOD has the facility for members to boost their pension. Additional pension can be purchased in all schemes (except the Partnership scheme of the CSPS), by making either a one-off lump sum payment, or regular deductions from your salary for a defined period. Depending on your scheme and arrangement, you may also be able to boost your pension by: 

  • Buying out the reduction that would apply if you retire early

  • Paying higher contributions for a particular scheme year (Faster Accural)

  • Making additional, voluntary contributions into a separate pension fund 

Each scheme will have different eligibility criteria and application processes: please see your scheme's website for more information.

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    For more information about increasing your pension, please see the relevant scheme website:

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