Contact your local Business Manager to obtain your Corporate Eyecare Scheme voucher.
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.
Gain access to free eyesight tests and spectacles if you need them for working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
All civilian personnel who use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) as part of their role.
Through the MOD Corporate Eyecare Scheme (CES), civilian and military personnel are able to access DSE eyesight tests and spectacles at Specsavers, including the provision of prescription safety eyewear.
Each CES voucher covers the provision of:
A full DSE eye examination (not including any additional procedures); and,
If needed, solely and specifically for DSE use, a pair of spectacles from the £49 range of Specsavers frames, fitted with standard single vision lenses plus a scratch-resistant treatment at no further cost; or £49 towards an upgrade to frame ranges costing up to £99 with a further £20 discount (totalling £69) on frames costing no more than £99.
one pair of Specsavers’ safety glasses, fitted with single vision lenses. If you require bifocal or varifocal lenses you will be required to present two Safety Eyewear voucher
The MOD will not pay for:
spectacles for sight defects which are worn to correct vision other than or in addition to the DSE 50-60cm focal range;
additional procedures (e.g. optomap, full field examination, tear assessment);
the cost of tinted lenses or special coatings;
designer frames;
contact lenses
any eyecare costs incurred at personal expense
Contact your local Business Manager to obtain your Corporate Eyecare Scheme voucher.
Once you’ve received your voucher, simply book online or call the store to book an appointment. When you attend your eye test, remember to bring your voucher with you to present prior to you eye test.
Page last updated: 25 March 2024
2023DIN06-020 Corporate Eyecare Scheme
Read the Corporate Eyecare DIN
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