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AXA Private Medical Insurance

Pay less for your private medical insurance with AXA PPP Healthcare.

Who is it for?

Axa private medical insurance is available via the mylifestyle hub, which is currently available to staff working in:

  • MOD Main

  • DE&S

  • SDA

  • RFA

What do I get?

Private medical insurance covers the cost of treatments at the point of use when you or a loved one is ill (subject to excess and limits). There are a range of cover levels you can choose from to make sure that you and your loved ones are protected. 

The award-winning private healthcare plan is designed to cover you for the treatment of new medical conditions that arise after you join and offers prompt access to diagnosis and eligible treatment. AXA offer a range of benefits with their private healthcare cover, including flexible appointment times and a large choice of private hospitals from their directory. 

You also benefit from:

  • A Fast Track Appointments service when you choose the Out-patient option.

  • Access to over 34,000 specialists and other practitioners across the UK.

  • A 24/7 dedicated telephone support line if you have any questions regarding your health.

When you take out a plan with AXA Health through Edenred, you’ll get 2 months free cover plus a free Fitbit Charge 4 (or choose from a choice of 4 gifts).

Next Steps

  • 1


    AXA PPP Healthcare is available via the mylifestyle hub. To register for mylifestyle, click the correct link below and follow the instructions: 

    Please note that your payroll ID is your MOD staff number (e.g. 123456A). If you are new to MOD, it may take up to 8 weeks for your details to be recognised by the mylifestyle hub.

    If you have already registered for the mylifestyle hub, you can sign in with your username and password.

  • 2


    Once you have logged in to mylifestyle, select "mywellbeing" at the top of the page, then "Private Medical Insurance" on the left-hand side. Click "Find out more" and then "Go to offer" in order to sign up.

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