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Flexible Working Hours

Work with more flexibility to suit your lifestyle.

Who is it for?

Civilian Staff

What do I get?

The MOD’s Flexible Working Hours (FWH) scheme allows you to work your conditioned hours more flexibly, subject to agreement with your Line Manager. By working this way, you can accrue flexi-credits to use when you need to, offering greater work/life balance for you as an employee.

Next Steps

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    You should ensure you are familiar with the Flexible Working Policy and Procedure.

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    Discuss your FWH request with your Line Manager. If your Line Manager approves your request, you should both sign a copy of your local FWH agreement. Ensure you discuss any core times or business needs prior to signing the agreement.

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    Once your FWH request is approved, you should ensure you record your working hours accurately, and provide your Line Manager with a copy. More details and guidance can be found in the Flexible Working Hours policy linked in Step 1.

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