
This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.

Civil Service Insurance Society

Take advantage of specially negotiated rates of insurance for Civil Servants using the Civil Service Insurance Society (CSIS).

Who is it for?

All current, former and retired civil and public servants.

What is it for?

CSIS aims to be the insurance provider of choice for Public and Civil Servants by offering quality products at competitive rates with exceptional customer service. In addition, CSIS is a not for profit organisation, with all profits going to Civil and Public Service Charities through the CSIS Charity Fund, including to the Charity for Civil Servants.

What do I get?

Voted as the most trusted car, home and travel insurance provider in the Moneywise Magazine Annual Awards, you will have access to high quality cover at competitive premiums with no hidden fees and no add-ons. 

A key feature is the availability of interest-free monthly instalments and no administration fees or charges for Car and Home insurance products.

For key features, see the graphic below.

CSIS Features

How do I claim?

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    Visit the CSIS website for more information.

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    Call them on 01622 766960 for a quote.

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