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Financial Incentives

Financial Incentives (FIs) are intended to assist recruitment and retention in key employment areas; they should not be confused with Recruitment and Retention Payments (RRP).

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Am I eligible?

The MOD utilises a variety of stand-alone Financial Incentives (FIs) which are targeted, temporary measures to address current or projected workforce shortfalls. This is particularly essential for specialisations such as Operational Pinch Point (OPP) trades and are specific to the requirement of each Service.

What's it for?

Financial Incentives are payments made to Service personnel to support trades in meeting their required numbers for operational output. They are used as an aid to support other non-financial measures.

The different types of incentives are as follows:

  • Financial Retention Incentive (FRI) - these schemes are aimed at encouraging personnel to remain within their specific trade.

  • Golden Hello (GH) - these schemes are aimed at encouraging potential new recruits to join specific trades within the Services.

  • Re-joining Bounty (RJB) - these are payments aimed to encourage former personnel to re-join the Service to fulfil specific workforce needs.

  • Recruit Bounty Schemes (RB) - these schemes are aimed at encouraging Service personnel to assist in recruiting non-Service personnel into employment in the Armed Forces, usually to address OPPs.

  • Transfer Bounty (TB) - these payments are aimed at encouraging serving personnel to transfer into specific trades.

What do I get?

The rates of payment vary depending on the scheme and each are considered on a case by case basis.

They are not pensionable (i.e. do not contribute to the amount of pension you accrue, however they are subject to Tax and National Insurance).

How do I claim?

Your career manager will have details of current schemes, which you can also find on defnet. If you meet the eligibility criteria and wish to make an application for payment then you should complete the form at Annex A of the relevant scheme.

Page last updated: 6 March 2025

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Need more information?

  • defnet access only

    Armed Forces Remuneration Pay Policy Team (AF Rem Pay Pol)

    Find out more about the current schemes.

  • defnet access only

    JSP 754 Recruitment and Retention payments

    read JSP 754 chapter 5 to find out more about recruitment and retention payments

  • Defence Gateway

    JSP 754 Financial incentives (Def Gateway)

    Read JSP 754 to find out more about financial incentives

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