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Home to Duty Travel

With Home to Duty Travel, you can claim a non-taxable contribution towards your commuting costs

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Home to Duty Travel

With Home to Duty Travel, you can claim a non-taxable contribution towards your commuting costs

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Do you claim Home to Duty Travel allowance?

What’s it for? 

As a Service person, you probably have to move around a lot – and you might not always have a say in where you live or work. Home to Duty is designed to help you with the cost of the daily journeys you make from your home to your place of duty.

What do I get? 

The MOD will contribute towards the cost of your commute. You’ll need to pay for the first 3 miles of your journey when you live in accommodation provided by your Service ('public' accommodation) and the first 9 miles if you live in private accommodation if you're travelling by car (1 mile if you're travelling by bike). This is is called your ‘personal contribution’. Anything after that will be paid for by the MOD, up to a maximum amount, which is normally 50 miles each way for a daily commute and 250 miles if you are undertaking formal Remote Working .

The amount you receive will depend on the distance you travel, how often on average you travel to work each month and whether you're travelling by car, by bike or by public transport.  The rates can be found in JSP 752 chapter 3

When can't I use this?

You won't be able to claim this benefit if you receive the Travel for Operational Stand Down allowance.

How do I claim this?

There are two types of claims:

  • HDT (Auto) is for those who travel an average of 18 days per month to their place of work. 

  • HDT Manual is for those who travel less than 15 journeys per month to their place of work or travel by a combination of public and private transport. 

If you are living in private accommodation then you will need to provide your Unit HR with proof of residence when you first claim and every 12 months after that. 

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    This will be processed by your Unit HR admin staff as a part of the ‘Arrivals Process’ and will be paid monthly in arrears via your salary

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    You will be informed by your Unit HR Admin staff  of the amount claimable for each journey made. Claims  are to be submitted monthly in arrears.

    If you have a Defence Gateway account you can claim this from your own personal device using the My Expenses app by following  this link

    You can also submit your claim via  JPA iexpenses. More information can be found in the Claim for Home to duty travel (manual) user guide which can be found at JPA user guides.

    If you don’t have access to JPA or a Defence Gateway account, then you need complete JPA Form F016 (which can be found at JPA forms) and submit it to your unit HR admin office.

  • What’s it for? 

    As a Service person, you probably have to move around a lot – and you might not always have a say in where you live or work. Home to Duty is designed to help you with the cost of the daily journeys you make from your home to your place of duty.

    What do I get? 

    The MOD will contribute towards the cost of your commute. You’ll need to pay for the first 3 miles of your journey when you live in accommodation provided by your Service ('public' accommodation) and the first 9 miles if you live in private accommodation if you're travelling by car (1 mile if you're travelling by bike). This is is called your ‘personal contribution’. Anything after that will be paid for by the MOD, up to a maximum amount, which is normally 50 miles each way for a daily commute and 250 miles if you are undertaking formal Remote Working .

    The amount you receive will depend on the distance you travel, how often on average you travel to work each month and whether you're travelling by car, by bike or by public transport.  The rates can be found in JSP 752 chapter 3

    When can't I use this?

    You won't be able to claim this benefit if you receive the Travel for Operational Stand Down allowance.

    How do I claim this?

    There are two types of claims:

    • HDT (Auto) is for those who travel an average of 18 days per month to their place of work. 

    • HDT Manual is for those who travel less than 15 journeys per month to their place of work or travel by a combination of public and private transport. 

    If you are living in private accommodation then you will need to provide your Unit HR with proof of residence when you first claim and every 12 months after that. 

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    This will be processed by your Unit HR admin staff as a part of the ‘Arrivals Process’ and will be paid monthly in arrears via your salary

  • 2

    You will be informed by your Unit HR Admin staff  of the amount claimable for each journey made. Claims  are to be submitted monthly in arrears.

    If you have a Defence Gateway account you can claim this from your own personal device using the My Expenses app by following  this link

    You can also submit your claim via  JPA iexpenses. More information can be found in the Claim for Home to duty travel (manual) user guide which can be found at JPA user guides.

    If you don’t have access to JPA or a Defence Gateway account, then you need complete JPA Form F016 (which can be found at JPA forms) and submit it to your unit HR admin office.

  • Calculator

    Use this to find out how much you could receive to cover Home to Duty travel.

    Accommodation Type:
    Transport type:

    Your personal contribution:

    3 miles

    Monthly allowance* we'll pay you for Home to Duty:


    The automated monthly allowance assumes that you are a Regular or FTRS (FC), travelling on average 18 days per month (this is paid daily and takes into account leave). Source: JSP rates on Chapter 7, section 0325.

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    Need more information?

  • JSP 752 - Home to duty

    read chapter 7 section 3 of JSP 752 to find out more about home to duty travel

  • Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel

    Read the Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel

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