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Climatic Clothing Grant for Hot Posts

if you are required to wear civilian clothes when working in certain hot countries overseas, this helps cover the cost

  • overseas
  • relocation

Am I eligible?

This benefit is available to Regular and Reserve Service personnel of non-commissioned rank.

What’s it for?

Service personnel in Close Protection Units often need to carry out their daily duties in civilian clothes. This grant is to help non-commissioned Service personnel buy clothing that’s appropriate for a hot climate when they  are assigned to the tropics for a minimum of 2 months in support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The tropics are the region  between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, where the weather is normally very hot and humid. It also applies to locations outside of this region that have a similar climate.

What do I get?

As from 1 April 24 you receive £1040, which is paid via your salary. The grant can only be claimed once every three years. 

When can’t I use this?

You won’t be able to claim this benefit if you receive allowances or grants contained within the Foreign and Commonwealth Hornby Package or if you claim Civilian Clothing Daily Allowance and Civilian Clothing Annual Grant.

How do I claim this?

On notification of assignment to a post eligible for CCG(HP), you should contact your unit HR admin staff.

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Need more information?

  • JSP 752 Climatic clothing grant for hot posts

    read chapter 15, section 1 of JSP 752 to find out more about Climatic clothing grant for hot posts

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