Relocation Leave
If you and your family need to move to a new location for Service reasons, you could get extra leave to help you settle in
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
Relocation Leave is designed to give you and your family time to settle in when you’re assigned between or within theatres, or from one overseas location to another. For the purposes of this allowance, there are three theatres:
the UK
Northwest Europe
the rest of the world
What do I get?
You may be entitled to up to ten days of Relocation Leave on assignments between theatres, or from one overseas location to another overseas location on a permanent assignment.
If you move within one of the above theatres, you may be entitled to up to five days of Relocation Leave for normal moves if you are a trained-strength Service person Including moves following completion of Phase 2 training) or Phase 3 training courses with a duration of six months or more. Your Commanding Officer can extend your Relocation Leave to up to ten working days. A normal move is one resulting from an assignment order that requires a change of Service Family Accommodation, Single Living Accommodation, or substitute equivalents; Residence at Work Address; or Selected Place of Residence.
You may be entitled to one day of Relocation Leave for local moves. These are normally within the same establishment between service-provided accommodation, or on change of position when no change of accommodation is required.
How do I claim this?
Providing the leave entitlement has been added on JPA by your Unit HR, and you have the agreement of your Chain of Command, you can book Relocation Leave on:
My Leave App (part of the My Series) – accessed using a Defence Gateway account on your work or own personal device.
JPA – Follow the instructions in the ‘Request for absence (leave)’ self-service user guide, which can be found within the JPA User Guides and Forms (on defnet).
JPA Form R001- If you don’t have access to JPA or the App, complete and send this form (which can be found at JPA forms on defnet) to your line manager.
Page last updated: 30 January 2025
Need more information?
defnet access only
Read Chapter 3 of JSP 760, Chapter 3, for more information about Relocation Leave.
Read chapter 3 of JSP 760 for more information about relocation leave