Northern Ireland Journeys
If you are permanently stationed in Northern Ireland you could be eligible for a contribution towards the cost of travel to and from Great Britain
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
This allowance is designed to give Service personnel a break from the extra pressures and restrictions of service in Northern Ireland, and to reduce the amount of time they’re separated from their families.
The allowance is only available if you are going on, or returning from, leave.
What do I get?
Your Service will provide a plane or ferry ticket from Northern Ireland to Great Britain. You’ll also be able to claim a mileage allowance for travel to and from the airport or ferry port.
Single and unaccompanied Service personnel get 12 return journeys per assignment year.
Accompanied personnel get three family return journeys per assignment year. For Service couples who are both are assigned to Northern Ireland, it’s three return journeys per assignment year.
When can’t I use this?
You won’t be able to claim this benefit if you claim Families Assistance for Visits Abroad or if you’re assigned to a unit resident in Northern Ireland but choose to work remotely outside of Northern Ireland.
How do I claim?
Apply for authority to travel. You should apply for authority to travel on JPA (MOD civilian or service personnel only). The ‘Apply for authority to make a self service journey claim’ Self self service user guide which can be found here tells you how to do this.
Arrange tickets. To arrange tickets for your journey, you should then speak to your Unit HR/Personnel Office or travel centre. Where possible a standard class warrant should be used.
Claim for costs. Claims for any non-warrant costs are to be made on JPA via JPA iexpenses. More information can be found in the ‘Allowances and expenses’ self-service user guide which can be found here allowances and expenses If you don’t have access to JPA, then you need complete JPA Form F016, which can be found here, ) and submit it to your unit HR admin office. You will then be reimbursed via your nominated bank account
Page last updated: 5 September 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Northern Ireland journeys
read chapter 8, section 1 of JSP 752 to find out more about Northern Ireland journeys