Refund of Legal Expenses
If you are a homeowner who is permanently assigned to a new duty station and you decide to sell your home and buy another at your new duty station, you could get a contribution towards your legal expenses
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
If you decide to sell your home and buy a new one because you’ve been assigned to a new duty station, you can use this benefit to help cover the associated legal fees. You can also use it to contribute towards the legal costs that arise when letting your home, or if you need to repossess your home.
In order to be eligible for this allowance, you must be in possession of a permanent assignment order that requires you to move to a new duty station, and which clearly indicates a likelihood of serving a minimum of 12 months at the new duty station.
For legal fees in respect of letting and repossession, your assignment order must clearly indicate that you are likely to serve at least six months (182 days) at the new duty station.
A RWA is a residence (e.g. house, flat) occupied by a Service person for a minimum period of six months either at the present duty station or a previous duty station, from which they commute to and from their place of duty on a daily basis. It must normally be an address within 50 miles (or 90 minutes travelling time by public transport) of their duty station.
What do I get?
The maximum allowance rate is £5,000. In order to claim this allowance, you must provide documentary evidence and fulfil all of the conditions set out in JSP 752.
How do I claim?
Submit your claim and all the supporting paperwork to your Unit HR/Personnel Office using JPA Form 014, which can be found at JPA forms
Page last updated: 23 January 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Refund of legal expenses
read JSP 752 chapter 12 section 3 for more information about Refund of legal expenses
Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel
Read the Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel