Part Time Service Instructors Allowance
If you teach classes to other Service personnel outside of your normal Service duties, you could claim this allowance as compensation
Am I eligible?
This benefit is available to all Service personnel including Reservists, but excluding Service Education Officers.
What’s it for?
Education is an important part of Service life – but sometimes, it isn’t practical or financially viable to pay for civilian courses or to employ full-time instructors. If you have specialist skills (and suitable educational qualifications), you may get the opportunity to provide educational instruction to your fellow Service personnel.
The Part Time Service Instructors Allowance is designed to reimburse Service personnel who teach classes to their colleagues outside of their normal Service duties and working hours (but only when doing so is not included in the terms of reference for their post).
You can’t claim it for time spent preparing classes or marking work. Classes cannot be started for fewer than six students, and payment will not be granted if the class number falls permanently below three.
What do I get?
The Part Time Service Instructors Allowance is paid as an hourly rate. The hourly rate changes depending on whether the educational instruction you provide is academic (i.e. if it leads to an exam or qualification) or vocational:
Academic instruction rate: £22.82 per hour
Vocational instruction rate: £17.62 per hour
How do I claim?
Completed copies of Annex A to JSP chapter 13 section 5 are to be submitted monthly in arrears to your Unit Education Officer.
Page last updated: 22 January 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Part time service instructors allowance
Read JSP 752 chapter 13 section 5 for more information about Part time service instructors allowance