Families Assistance for Visits Abroad
If you’re serving overseas you could claim financial assistance with food and accommodation costs when your immediate family comes to visit you
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
This allowance is designed to help alleviate the stress of being separated from your immediate family (e.g. spouse, civil partner, dependant children) when you are deployed overseas on unaccompanied service for an extended period.
It can be used by regular Service personnel and FTRS(FC) personnel who are on overseas unaccompanied service, or who are deployed in a Seagoing Longer Separation Allowance Qualifying Unit (SLQU) outside UK waters, with the expectation of being deployed continuously for 182 days or more. A SLQU is defined as a seagoing vessel with a standard operating pattern that requires it to regularly operate away from its Base Port.
This allowance is not available to Service personnel on Loan Service.
What do I get?
This allowance comes as a daily rate, which is based on 40% of the Overseas Day Subsistence rate, plus the Defence Travel Hotel Booking Service capitation rate for the city or country being visited. Advances of pay to fund airfares are paid via your salary.
The maximum sum remains the same no matter how many family members come to visit. Only one visit is permitted for each period of 182 days you spend working overseas. Those who are deployed in a SLQU for over 365 days are eligible for a second FAVA visit.
When can’t I use this?
You won’t be able to claim this benefit if you claim any of the following benefits:
Get You Home (Overseas)
Northern Ireland Journeys
Concessionary Travel for Immediate Families
How do I claim?
Submit your application on JPA to your Unit HR/Personnel Office, using JPA Form 016 which can be found at JPA forms
Page last updated: 23 January 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Families assistance for visits abroad
read JSP 752 chapter 11 section 1 for more information about Families assistance for visits abroad