Experimental Test Allowance
If you participate in officially approved experimental tests, you could receive this allowance as compensation
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
As a Service person, you may be asked to participate in experimental tests. These tests can include the provision of samples (such as blood or urine), exposure to stressful conditions (such as extremes of temperature) and the testing of experimental clothing and equipment.
Experimental Test Allowance was created in recognition of the discomfort and effort experienced by Service personnel who participate in these tests.
What do I get?
From 1 April 2024 the Experimental Test Allowance is £3.55 per test, which is paid via your salary.
How do I claim this?
This will be arranged by your Unit HR/Personnel Office and paid with your salary.
Page last updated: 17 October 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Experimental test allowance
Read chapter 17 section 2 of JSP 752 for more information about the Experimental test allowance