If you’re experiencing difficulties at home or at work, Royal Navy Family and People Support is here to help
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What’s it for?
The Royal Navy Family and People Support (RNFPS) delivers a range of services to support both service personnel and their families. These offer both proactive, reactive and crisis intervention, supporting and enhancing the resilience and resourcefulness and operational capability of the Royal Navy.
What do I get?
Information support is available, as and when required, and is useful for when relocating, deploying, looking for a specific service, or if you have a question or issue that you cannot find the answer to. Through regular research RN FPS Information Officers ensure up to date and relevant information is available to all. Information is available via the RN Website, RN Forum, and internal channels such as DEFNet and Sharepoint or directly via email.
Community support is offered in a variety of different settings including centres and houses close to Royal Navy Units, with many of the local activities being carried out in partnership with other organisations, such as Aggie’s. In response to a specific requirement, events will be organised in the appropriate geographical area. Events can also be hosted online via MS Teams to enable a greater reach out to families in dispersed areas.
Official engagement with our personnel and families is key to ensure they are gaining the correct information at the right time. The Royal Navy Forum provides a safe and secure area of communication for families to be informed, involved and in-touch with the Royal Navy. Some areas are open access, however specific messaging and information for families is within a gated area accessed through registering as a member, especially important for messaging that should not be added to third party social media and for times when we are silent on these too. RN FPS also manage the official Social Media presence for the Royal Navy community where closed Facebook groups are used as a conduit into the RN Website and RN Forum. Both are moderated from 0800-2200, 365 days per year.
Deployment support is a key area of our work in which information, community and engagement play a part. Working closely with Units prior to deployment we carry out planning meetings which includes organising unit Forum Liaison Officers mandatory pre-deployment briefs to personnel and meetings with DO/TCs where certain issues can be discussed with a Case Worker. Some units now deploy with a Case Work as part of their Ship’s company allowing for immediate specialist advice and support to both the Divisional System and individuals. Families can also take advantage of RN FPS online briefs, information packs, memory box activity packs for children and Family Welfare Grant Days Out, all of which are available via the RN Forum.
Compassionate support
Whilst the above support sits more in the proactive space RN FPS are also reactive in times of need, both in engagement and specialist welfare support. There are times when individuals may require a more specialist service to support during a crisis or personal situation. Our professionally trained Case Work staff offer guidance; support either practical or emotional; and will advocate on your behalf directly or in conjunction with other agencies. Wherever you are living and/or based, the primary access point for these services is the RN FPS Portal. A comprehensive assessment of the situation will be carried out to ascertain what support is required, and this may be provided immediately, through signposting to the right sources of support or through the allocation of a RN FPS Case Worker who will stay by your side until their presence is no longer required.
How do I access this?
The primary point of contact for RN FPS is the Portal who can be contacted on 0800 145 6088 for free or via email: navypeople-psrnfpsportal@mod.gov.uk.
For Information, Community & Official Engagement support, email navypeople-psrnfpsinfo@mod.gov.uk
Further details can be found here: https://forum.royalnavy.mod.uk/contact
Page last updated: 23 January 2024
Need more information?
Royal Navy Welfare
Visit the Royal Navy community and support site
BR3(1) Part 5
read chapter 24 of BR3 (1) Part 5: Welfare
Royal Navy Forum
'If you are part of the RN Community join the RN Forum to stay Informed Involved and InTouch.
JSP 770 Welfare policy
Read JSP 770 to find out more about the tri Service operational and non operational welfare policy