Time off for adoption and antenatal appointments
If you’re due to give birth or in the process of adopting, you can get paid time off for appointments
Eligibility check:
Am I eligible?
This benefit is available to all Service personnel including Volunteer Reserves on attendance-based pay.
What’s it for?
This benefit is designed to give Service people paid time off for antenatal and adoption appointments.
What do I get?
Time off for antenatal appointments. Following notification of pregnancy and the production of a doctor’s certificate, a female Service person is entitled to reasonable time off, with pay, to keep appointments for antenatal care made on the advice of a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health visitor.
Time off for adoption appointments. A primary adopter may apply for paid time off to attend up to five pre-adoption appointments. A secondary adopter may apply for paid time off for up to two adoption appointments.
How do I claim?
Providing the leave entitlement has been added on JPA by your Unit HR,and you have the agreement of your chain of command, if you have a Defence Gateway account you can then book it from your own personal device, using the My Leave app (part of the My Series), by following this link A short video showing you how to use the app can be found here (accessed via MODNet).
You can also book it on JPA.
If you don’t have access to JPA then you should submit JPA Form R001 (which can be found at JPA forms) to your line manager.
Page last updated: 23 January 2024
Need more information?
JSP 760 - Adoption and antenatal appointments
Read chapters 24 and 25 of JSP 760 for more information about time off for adoption and antenatal appointments
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Visit the NHS Armed Forces healthcare website