Rest and Recuperation Leave and Post Operational Leave
If you've been on continuous operational service for four months or more, you could be eligible for time off to recover and, on return from the operation, reconnect with family and friends.
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
Life on operations can be physically, mentally and emotionally challenging - and after a period of continuous service, it's important to take time to recharge your batteries. That's why the MOD may provide Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave for Service people who've been on continuous operational service for a period of four months or longer.
The time, location and duration of R&R is decided by the in-theatre commander. You may be allowed to travel home for R&R, although you could also be asked to take it close to the theatre in which you're based.
For every nine calendar days you spend on a qualifying operational tour, you'll also accumulate one day of Post Operational Leave, which can be taken when your tour comes to an end.
Neither R&R nor Post Operational Leave count against your entitlement to annual leave.
What do I get?
You'll receive one day of Post Operational Leave for every nine calendar days you spend deployed on qualifying operations. When mobilised, Reservists will qualify for Post Operational Leave at the same rate as Regular Personnel. The maximum permissible period of R&R Leave is 14 nights, including travelling time.
The number of periods of R&R you may get depends on the length of your tour:
124 - 215 days = one period of R&R
216 - 337 days = two periods of R&R
over 338 days = three periods of R&R
When can’t I use this?
You won’t be able to claim this if you receive Seagoers Leave.
How do I claim?
Your Chain of Command will allocate R&R.
Providing the leave entitlement has been added on JPA by your Unit HR, and you have the agreement of your Cchain of Ccommand, you can book Post Operational Leave on:
My Leave App (part of the My Series) – accessed using a Defence Gateway account on your work or own personal device. Watch a short video showing you how to use the App.
JPA – Follow the instructions in the ‘Request for absence (leave)’ self-service user guide, which can be found within the JPA User Guides and Forms (on defnet).
JPA Form R001- If you don’t have access to JPA or the App, complete and send this form (which can be found at JPA forms on defnet) to your line manager.
Page last updated: 30 January 2025
Need more information?
defnet access only
Read JSP 760, Chapters(s) 110 and 121, for more information about Rest and Recuperation and Post Operational Leave.
Read JSP 760 chapter(s) 10 and 11 for more information about Rest and recuperation and Post operational leave.
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