Adoption Leave Scheme
If you adopt a child and are the primary adopter, you get 52 weeks adoption leave and may be eligible for 39 weeks statutory pay.
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
While Service people are not legally entitled to Statutory Adoption Leave, the Armed Forces Occupational Adoption Leave Scheme (AFOALS) provides the equivalent to the statutory arrangements
The provisions of the scheme apply only to:
adoption placements arranged through legally recognised adoption agencies
fostering for adoption, where dual approved prospective adopters have a child placed with them under section 22C(9B(c)) of the Children Act 1989 with a view to them adopting that child
Parental Order parents, where the intended parents in a surrogacy arrangement are eligible for and intend to apply for or have obtained a Parental Order making them the legal parents of the child they are having with the help of a surrogate mother
You are not eligible for Adoption Leave if you:
arrange a private adoption, e.g. without permission from a UK authority or adoption agency
become a special guardian or kinship carer
adopt a stepchild
adopt a family member
Only one parent of a couple is eligible for Adoption Leave/Adoption Pay (known as the Primary Adopter). The other parent may be eligible for Paternity Leave and Pay or Shared Parental Leave.
What do I get?
All qualifying Service personnel, regardless of their length of service, are entitled to take up to 52 weeks of adoption leave.
Service personnel may also be eligible for 39 weeks of statutory pay, the first 26 weeks of which may be enhanced to the Service person’s full pay rate (occupational pay).
When can't I use this?
You won't be able to use the Adoption Leave Scheme if you claim Paternity Leave.
How do I claim?
Complete part A of JPA Form R008 ‘Application for Adoption Leave’ which can be found at JPA forms (on defnet) and submit it to your Unit HR, together with documentary evidence of the adoption such as a Matching Certificate.
The Unit HR will forward the form to your Commanding Officer for countersigning and will then send the countersigned form and matching certificate to Defence Business Services to action.
They will also send you a copy of the countersigned form.
Page last updated: 12 February 2025
Need more information?
defnet access only
Read JSP 760, Chapter 25, for more information about Adoption Leave.
Read JSP 760 chapter 25 for more information about adoption leave
defnet access only
Royal Navy - Maternity and Parenthood Handbook
A guide to support Service Personnel and Managers during pregnancy, maternity, paternity, assisted conception, adoption, pregnancy loss and childcare support in the Royal Navy.
defnet access only
RAF - Support for Serving Parents
A hub of information and guidance to help you and your line manager navigate parenthood policies and processes, and access available support.
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Army - Pregnancy/Maternity and Return to Work
A guide to support Service Personnel and the Chain of Command during pregnancy, including pregnancy loss, maternity, breastfeeding and returning to work within the British Army.