Continuity of Education Allowance and Continuity of Education Allowance (Day)
Claim a contribution towards the cost of a fee-paying boarding school or fee-paying day school for your child/children
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
If your family needs to move around for Service reasons, you may be able to claim CEA or CEA (Day) to help achieve continuity of education for your children.
It isn’t for Service personnel who are unaccompanied from their family at their duty station, unless they have been granted Involuntary Separated Service (INVOLSEP) status. Service personnel who are separated from their immediate family, normally for Service reasons, are classified as INVOLSEP and are eligible for unaccompanied service benefits as detailed in JSP 752.
To claim this allowance, both the child(ren) and the school must met the detailed eligibility criteria set out in JSP 752 chapter 14
What do I get?
You’ll receive a contribution towards boarding and/or tuition fees up to a maximum rate, with a minimum parental contribution of 10% for each eligible child. This will be paid with your salary.
If your child has special educational needs, you may be eligible for a higher contribution if the needs of the child cannot be reasonably met by the school.
Maximum allowance rates from 1 July 24:
Boarding school: £9,080 per term (senior school) or £7,489 per term (junior school)
Day school: £5,456 per term (senior school) or £4,242 per term (junior school)
Maximum allowance rates for special educational needs:
Boarding school: £13,566
Day school: £8,710
How do I claim?
You must make a separate claim for each school term.
You should submit your claim on JPA. The Claim for continuity of education allowance user guide (which can be found at JPA user guides tells you how to do this.
If you don’t have access to JPA, then you need complete JPA Form F001 (which can be found JPA forms) and submit it to your unit HR admin office with the required documentation, details of which can be found in JSP 752, chapter 14, sections 1, annex G.
Page last updated: 17 October 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Continuity of Education allowances
read JSP 752 chapter 14 sections 1 & 3 for more information about Continuity of Education Allowance and CEA (Day)
Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel
Read the Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel