Operational Allowance
If you work in certain dangerous operational locations, you could receive Operational Allowance as compensation
Eligibility check:
Am I eligible?
Operational Allowance is available to Regular Service personnel (other than Military Provost Guard Service), mobilised reserves and Full-Time Reserve Service (Full or Limited Commitment) personnel if they are in a specified operational location where the allowance has been declared as payable.
This allowance is not for attachés, advisers and Embassy and High Commission-based personnel, Loan Service personnel, Sponsored Reserves or Expeditionary Forces Institute personnel
What’s it for?
From time to time, you may have to serve in operational locations that the MOD considers to represent an increased and enduring danger. The Operational Allowance was created to compensate Service personnel for the increased risk they face when serving in these areas.
If you require information on which locations attract payment of Operational Allowance, please get in touch with your Unit HR/Personnel Office.
What do I get?
A set amount is paid for each day you spend in any specified operational location where the allowance has been declared payable. The daily rate is £29.02. Over the course of a six-month deployment, this would add up to a total of £5,281.64.
This will be paid with your salary as a lump sum at the end of the deployment.
How do I claim this?
This will be processed automatically by your Unit HR/Personnel Office.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Operational allowance
read JSP 752 chapter 11 section 4 Operational allowance