Part Time Regular Reduction 40%
To allow you to work on a part time basis for a defined period.
Eligibility check:
What do I get?
You can apply for 2 different levels of Part Time (PT) service: a reduction of 20% or 40%.
A reduction is applied to your normal working days and a proportion of normal weekend or stand down days. Most PT arrangements will probably be based on 5-day week routines and so, for a 40% reduction, the impact would be a reduction of 2 whole days per working 5-day week plus two weekends in five.
If you take FS, the days you are not required to attend work are known as Non-Duty Days (NDDs) and, once agreed, come with legal protection. These days might form part of a regular pattern e.g. taking the same day(s) off each week, or be booked in blocks as part of a working pattern e.g. you take your 20% or 40% as a complete block of time.
NDDs will be booked and administered through JPA like leave.
Full-time military service comes with an unlimited liability for duty that means you can be called upon to serve whenever required. This can include being called for duty on weekends and/or stand-down periods between normal duty, shifts, exercises etc. Such extra duties may be related to your normal work pattern or as part of a wider unit or higher formation tasking.
Under FS, this liability is reduced by the same percentage proportion as your PT work. So a 40% PT arrangement would mean that you would be available for 40% fewer additional duty days than full-time colleagues: you would not be liable for additional duty on 2 whole weekends out of 5.
Don’t Forget…
Every FS arrangement can be different and there is no fixed working pattern but the following apply:
PT service can only be taken in whole-day reductions.
Most PT routines will probably be made up of regular periods and patterns of non-working days but there is no reason why they cannot form longer and/or irregular periods of non-duty.
If you work shifts or other patterns you are not excluded from applying for FS and in most cases, it is expected that a proportionate and fair solution can be worked out.
The working pattern should normally be agreed as part of the application process.
Other things to consider
If you want to reduce your work for long blocks of time, you should also consider special unpaid leave, career intermission or other types of leave - you can learn more about these elsewhere in this site.
So what’s the cost?
Check out the FS conditions of service page
How do I make a request?
More information is available on the applying for flexible service page
Page last updated: 4 June 2024
Need more information?
defnet access only
JSP 750 Flexible working and flexible service
Read JSP 750 - Chapter 1 for Flexible Working & Chapter 2 for Flexible Service
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Flexible Service DefNet page
visit the DefNet Flexible Service page
Flexible Working and You
Read the guide on Flexible Working and You
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JSP 754 Pay and flexible service
read JSP 754 ch 2 s15 for more information about the impact of taking flexible service on pay
Defence Gateway
JSP 754 Pay and flexible service (Def Gateway)
read JSP 754 ch 2 s15 for more information about the impact of taking restricted separation on pay