Longer Separation Allowance
If you’re separated from your duty station or family home for an extended period of time, you could be eligible for Longer Separation Allowance
Eligibility check:
What’s it for?
Longer Separation Allowance (LSA) is designed to compensate you if your Service duties mean that you’re unable to return to your duty station at weekends or during stand down, resulting in separation.
There are two types of separation – voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary separation is when you choose to serve unaccompanied from your immediate family who reside in the UK while you are on a permanent assignment overseas. Involuntary separation is when you cannot come back to your normal duty station or family home due to the nature of the assignment eg if you are on operations.
What do I get?
The current rates from 1 April 2024 for involuntary separation are set out below. If you are voluntarily separated you will remain on level 1 regardless of the length of time you are separated from your family.
Level 1 (up to 280 days) £8.85
Level 2 (281 –460 days) £13.83
Level 3 (461 –640 days) £18.82
Level 4 (641 –820 days) £20.66
Level 5 (821 –1000 days) £22.23
Level 6 (1001 –1180 days) £23.82
Level 7 (1181 –1360 days) £25.39
Level 8 (1361 –1540 days) £27.78
Level 9 (1541 –1720 days) £29.38
Level 10 (1721 –1900 days) £30.96
Level 11 (1901 –2080 days) £32.54
Level 12 (2081 –2260 days) £34.15
Level 13 (2261 –2440 days) £35.71
Level 14 (2441 –2800 days) £37.30
Level 15 (2801 –3160 days) £38.87
Level 16 (3161+ days) £40.43
This will be paid with your salary, monthly in arrears and is taxable.
When can’t I use this?
You won’t be able to claim this allowance if you claim Get You Home or for periods when you are working remotely away from your permanent Duty Station.
How do I claim this?
This will be processed automatically by your Unit HR/Personnel Office as part of the JPA ‘Arrivals Process’.
Page last updated: 17 October 2024
Need more information?
JSP 752 Longer separation allowance
read chapter 10 section 1 of JSP 752 to find out more about longer separation allowance
Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel
Read the Guide to Allowances and Expenses for Service Personnel