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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Find out about Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) guidance and information, including SEND/ASN in overseas nations.

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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Find out about Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) guidance and information, including SEND/ASN in overseas nations.

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SEND Guidance UK

SEND: guide for parents and carers - GOV.UK

A guide for the support systems available for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability.

Enquire - The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

NHS England - Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK

Guide to SEN services in Northern Ireland

Defence Children Services (DCS) - GOV.UK

Parents guide to Additional Learning Needs in Wales

Additional Support Needs guidance for parents in Scotland

Department for Education SEND review plan

SEND Guidance Overseas

Virginia parents' guide to Special Education

Special education Ontario

Parents guide to Special education services for children in Ontario, Canada schools.

Special education in Ontario Kindergarten to Grade 12 – Policy and resource guide

Formal guidance to schools and school boards on delivery of special education services.

Australian parent and student guide to SEND

ERIC - Institute of Education Sciences

A full searchable resource on education in the US, provided by the US Department of Education.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

A guide to special education in the US.

Resources and guides to SEN services in California

Defence Children Services

Education overseas for service children - GOV.UK

Department for Education guidance on the transfer of Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outside of England

Additional information

Association of Educational Psychologists

Special Needs Jungle

News, information, resources and informed opinion about Special Educational Needs, disability, children’s physical and mental health, rare disease.

National Network of Parent Carer Forums C.I.C

Enquire - The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

ELSA Network – Emotional Literacy Support Assistants

Royal Navy Forum -

Armed Forces Covenant

Third Sector Guidance

Cobseo - The Confederation of Service Charities

For more support and guidance: please visit the single Service, HIVES and Families Federation websites linked below.

SEND Guidance UK

SEND: guide for parents and carers - GOV.UK

A guide for the support systems available for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability.

Enquire - The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

NHS England - Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK

Guide to SEN services in Northern Ireland

Defence Children Services (DCS) - GOV.UK

Parents guide to Additional Learning Needs in Wales

Additional Support Needs guidance for parents in Scotland

Department for Education SEND review plan

SEND Guidance Overseas

Virginia parents' guide to Special Education

Special education Ontario

Parents guide to Special education services for children in Ontario, Canada schools.

Special education in Ontario Kindergarten to Grade 12 – Policy and resource guide

Formal guidance to schools and school boards on delivery of special education services.

Australian parent and student guide to SEND

ERIC - Institute of Education Sciences

A full searchable resource on education in the US, provided by the US Department of Education.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

A guide to special education in the US.

Resources and guides to SEN services in California

Defence Children Services

Education overseas for service children - GOV.UK

Department for Education guidance on the transfer of Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outside of England

Additional information

Association of Educational Psychologists

Special Needs Jungle

News, information, resources and informed opinion about Special Educational Needs, disability, children’s physical and mental health, rare disease.

National Network of Parent Carer Forums C.I.C

Enquire - The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

ELSA Network – Emotional Literacy Support Assistants

Royal Navy Forum -

Armed Forces Covenant

Third Sector Guidance

Cobseo - The Confederation of Service Charities

For more support and guidance: please visit the single Service, HIVES and Families Federation websites linked below.

For more support and guidance: please visit the single Service, HIVES and Families Federation websites linked below.

Page last updated: 26 February 2025

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