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Find out about Higher and Further Education in the UK.

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Find out about Higher and Further Education in the UK.

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Post-16 Guidance

Further education courses and funding - GOV.UK
Further Education and Funding in England.

Higher education courses: find and apply - GOV.UK
Search and apply for Higher Education courses.

Higher Education Student Finance in England - Assessing Eligibility - AY 24/25
Full guidance on student finance eligibility in England - Armed Forces section at 2.8.

Notes for Student Finance Application 2024/25 - Student Finance NI
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in Northern Ireland.

Notes for Student Finance 2023/24 - Student Finance Wales
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in Wales.

Notes to help you complete your application for student finance - Student Finance England
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in England.

Armed Forces and their Families - Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
Guidance from Scotland Student Finance for students considering Higher Education in Scotland.

Students from a UK Armed Forces family - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Specific UCAS Higher Education guidance for students from a UK Armed Forces family.

Discover Uni
Search and compare undergraduate courses in the UK.

Office for Students (OfS)
Landing page for Office for Students - overview of Higher Education in England.

Additional Information

Service Children's Progression (SCiP) Alliance
Landing page for Service Children's Progression Alliance.

Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK
Landing page for searching and applying for apprenticeships in England.

Royal Navy Forum

Armed Forces Covenant

Post-16 Guidance

Further education courses and funding - GOV.UK
Further Education and Funding in England.

Higher education courses: find and apply - GOV.UK
Search and apply for Higher Education courses.

Higher Education Student Finance in England - Assessing Eligibility - AY 24/25
Full guidance on student finance eligibility in England - Armed Forces section at 2.8.

Notes for Student Finance Application 2024/25 - Student Finance NI
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in Northern Ireland.

Notes for Student Finance 2023/24 - Student Finance Wales
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in Wales.

Notes to help you complete your application for student finance - Student Finance England
Notes to help you complete your application for student finance in England.

Armed Forces and their Families - Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
Guidance from Scotland Student Finance for students considering Higher Education in Scotland.

Students from a UK Armed Forces family - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Specific UCAS Higher Education guidance for students from a UK Armed Forces family.

Discover Uni
Search and compare undergraduate courses in the UK.

Office for Students (OfS)
Landing page for Office for Students - overview of Higher Education in England.

Additional Information

Service Children's Progression (SCiP) Alliance
Landing page for Service Children's Progression Alliance.

Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK
Landing page for searching and applying for apprenticeships in England.

Royal Navy Forum

Armed Forces Covenant

For more support and guidance: please visit the single Service, HIVES and Families Federation websites linked below.

Page last updated: 24 February 2025

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