Who is it for?
MOD Civil Servants up to Band C.
What do I get?
Rise and Elevate are MOD internal talent schemes, offering leadership development and opportunities for civilians in grades E, D and C to grow their knowledge and experience in Defence, as well as providing opportunities that are accessible and inclusive for civilians in a wide range of circumstances and locations.
The Rise scheme is aimed at Band D & E employees. Successful candidates will remain in their present roles and undertake the scheme over a 12-month programme. The Rise scheme will offer a level 3 leadership apprenticeship for those who are eligible. For those who are not eligible, there is an alternative route which combines learning and projects.
The Elevate scheme is aimed at Band C employees. Successful candidates will undertake the scheme over a three-year programme, remaining in their present role for the first 18 months and then rotating to a post outside their organisation for the final 18 months. These posts will be in the same geographical region as in current roles and candidates will return to their original posts at the end of the scheme, bringing back fresh insights from exposure to other business areas. The Elevate scheme will offer a Level 5 leadership apprenticeship for those who are eligible. For those who are not eligible, there is an alternative route which combines learning, projects and volunteering opportunities.
Next Steps
Civilians considering applying to either Rise or Elevate will need to discuss the opportunity with their Line Manager. Prospective applicants and Line Managers are encouraged to attend information sessions to learn more about the schemes and the application process.
Applications for both schemes open in September, with successful candidates starting in December.
For more information, please contact the Talent Management Office: